e-P Summit 2022:
Shaping the Digital Future of Fashion.
Edition 2022
4 and 5 May, 2022 at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence
A new format, a new scientific director, and new venue and dates: e-P Summit, the Pitti Immagine event that for over a decade has been dedicated to the relationship between fashion and the digital world, turns the page after its forced suspension and sets out to be a leading European event within the debate over the supply and demand of innovations applied in the digital field: Shaping the digital future of Fashion is, in fact, its caption as well as its promise.

The new scientific director of e-P Summit - on 4 and 5 May 2022 at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence - is Rinaldo Rinaldi. The School of Engineering of the University of Florence professor has been working on the relationship between big luxury fashion brands ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) for the digital transition of the entire supply chain for many years. The scientific director is supported by a committee of university professors, experts, and top-level executives from fashion and luxury companies in selecting themes and contents.
The format of the new e-P Summit brings together conference elements with the trade fair organization. The fashion companies present their experiences before the suppliers of digital innovation solutions and tools, who then have the opportunity to introduce their services and products in the exhibition section and the networking phases. By way of analogy, I would speak of a discursive logic rather than a directly commercial one, even if it is precisely the in-depth analysis allowed and stimulated by the debate that lays the foundations and facilitates a subsequent, more centered and effective economic relationship. It is clear that Pitti Immagine's reputation in the world of international fashion and its transversal approach, which combines culture and economy, are in this case even more decisive elements for the success of the Summit.

— Rinaldo Rinaldi

The themes at the center of the two days at the Stazione Leopolda are, among others: the digital development of the creative and production processes at the basis of the new collections, with particular attention to craftsmanship; the new supply chains; the digital transition in support of ecology and the circular economy; the integration between traditional distribution and e-commerce channels; social media strategies;  engagement and analysis models of consumer customers; the Internet of Things; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; use and protection of Big Data and the Cloud; the Blockchain; the Metaverse and the creation, exchange, use of NFTs, etc.
The profound global technological and economic changes that have been going on for some time, and the acceleration that has occurred in the last two years since the pandemic crisis hit - adds Claudio Marenzi, president of Pitti Immagine - have brought out business models in which the digital component is increasingly crucial. That is what prompted us to renew and reinforce the e-P Summit. We will put our experience, also in terms of communication and promotion, and the skills of the scientific management at the service of the business system, confident that the final result will be greater than the sum of the addenda.

— Claudio Marenzi, president of Pitti Immagine